Here is our beautiful Annah!

Here is our beautiful Annah!
There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that when a child is born an invisible red thread connects that child's soul to all those people-present and in the future- who will play a part in that child's life. As each birthday passes, those threads shorten and tighten, bringing closer those people who are fated to be together.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Home Study questionaire is done!

I haven't updated for awhile and I have had so many ask about my blog. I guess I am feeling a little guilty for not writing more. Honestly, we really haven't had much to write. Vince and I needed to update our passports before we could start most of the paperwork. Just about every piece of adoption paperwork wants your passport number so that had to be finished. Austin needed an American passport even though he has a Russian passport we certainly didn't want to take Austin to Russia with that. So we made him more official with his very own American passport. Fun! Vince and I sent our questionaires to our social worker, Collette Kim. She has worked with us for the passed four years. We have paid our $1200 to start the homestudy process but now we are waiting to hear from our George and Alexandra (adoption agency - Internation Guardian Angel Adoptions) and schedule the actual home visit. Our next steps that are coming VERY soon are finishing up all the rest of the homestudy paperwork and interviewing process and paying them $3500 to finish their part. We also will be sending off for our I-600A form (permission to bring orphans back to America) this cost $830. This might be more since we are getting two but I am not sure. I'll let you know!


  1. Exciting!! Glad to hear things are moving along. We've hit some bumps, but things are looking up now :)

  2. YEAH!!! All things are possible for them that love the LOrd. That is my new phrase and verse I keep repeating!! Love ya'll
